Recharge your mind, body and your spirit
with Advanced Reflexology

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What is Reflexology?

Reflexology and Energy Therapy in Calgary is a healing art based on the principle that there are areas on the feet, hands and ears known as reflex zones which correspond to every organ, and the part of the body. By applying acupressure, it stimulates body and brings it to homeostasis (balance).

This amazing holistic medicine is growing increasingly in popularity and acceptance.

Reflexology is non-invasive complementing other treatments due to its preventative nature and addressing variety of conditions.

Our Approach on reflexology

At LaserMind Ltd., we use an highly innovative approach with this ancient, healing art, by combining it with Advanced LL-Laser Biotherapy, using pure laser beam. This pure light Bio-therapy brings balance right where it’s needed. You will feel noticeable improvement in your energy, mood level and whole being.

Homeostasis of your body is safely restored and maximized to encourage healing.

Essentially, Reflexology helps to balance the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of the body. Tiny deposits and imbalances can be detected. Working on these points, blockages can be released and restore the free flow of energy to the whole body to heal itself naturally at its own pace.

Reflexology treatment is not medical and it does not diagnose or prescribe.

*The client is fully clothed in relaxing and comfortable position. The Session last about 1hr.*

Benefits of Bio-Therapy With Low Level Laser

Safe and non-invasive

Induces relaxation

Improve circulation

Promotes restful sleep

Balances the whole system

Improves all body functions

Helps the body remove toxins

Reduces anxiety and depression

Revitalizes and energizes the organs

Reduces tension and alleviates stress

Conditions That May Be Helped By Reflexology

Fluid retention and poor circulation

IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Asthma and Emphysema

Hormonal imbalances

Impaired immunity

Multiple Sclerosis, MS

Palliative care

Sport injuries



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